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I baked theese fantastic cookies today for my friends from school, they all came over and had fika.

From the wonderful blog
Happy Friday!
Yesterday we had our first real game of the season. The opponent was Gislaved and we finally won (3-2)! It was the first game I ever started in the elitserie so I was pretty excited. I made some poor decisions, but over all played a good game. I am learning from every play. This week I don't have any classes since my program is in Gothenburg to be at some fair. But since I have practise I get to stay home, and it is very nice to have some free time. So today I have just been reading and drawing. And tomorrow I am going to be a good girl cleaning and getting some laundry done. Then mom and I are going to IKEA and Barkaby to get some pretime christmas shopping, eat meatballs and talk.Now it's time for lunch and then I'm going home to vaxmora to have coffee with my mom and hopefully order some clothes before practise tonight!
Last week was a good week. I had classes four days, monday off so I could sleep in after our big trainingcamp last weekend. Wednesday evening my firend johanna came over and had dinner with us. I haven't seen her since begining of september I think. We had lasanga, cheese and homebaked bread. Practises were good all week. Saturday I had a nice, long walk with my friend Caroline. We walked for over an hour in the beautiful, sunny, chilly weather. Then I spent some time with mom and had lunch with her. Sunday we went to Orebro to play a exhibitiongame. We got our asses kicked, and were pretty misreble on the way home. But hopefully we got wiser. But when I got home Seb and his sister was baking kanelbullar (cinnamonbuns) since it was kanelbullensdag. Yes, we have a day dedicaded to a bun. Then a bunch of friends came over and we watched the soccergame Elfsborg - AIK. A very good end to a long day.Today I have been in school all morning and know I have to work on a paper that is due on thurday.